The problem with free speech is that some people chose to exercise their right, even when it may not be the best thing to do for them or anyone else.
The latest dust-up in the media seems to be over some self-ordained and self-anointed “pastor” in Gainesville, Florida who’s scheduled a “Koran” burning to happen as a memorial of 9/11.
Without a doubt, he has a constitutional right to engage in this particular form of hate-speech in the United States. In reality, it’s not that much more abhorrent than the speech happening in numerous Christian churches around the country and he’s joined by the likes of Fred Phelps and his crowd, among others. . Combine them with a lot of the other hate-mongers hiding behind religion, and you can see that there’s not a nickel’s worth of difference amongst them. It’s more a question of who’s ox is being gored.
Of course, whether doing something is legal and whether it’s a good idea aren’t necessarily the same thing. As a society, though, I think we’ve responded inappropriately.
The reality is, this “church” has about 50 members. It’s not associated with any denomination, the leader has no credentials and no education other than an online-degree from an unaccredited internet organization. He’s been ousted from another church he started in Germany for playing fast and loose with the money. In reality, he is little more than a pimple on the butt of humanity and the whole thing would go away if we’d just ignore it.
This isn’t in our nature as Americans, though. We are going to exercise OUR right to free speech by shouting down those with whom we disagree.
The problem is we give validity to this guy by giving him publicity. Media trucks have inundated Florida for days now, poking their microphones in front of anyone who looks likely to provide a comment. In reality, most of the world wouldn’t have ever heard about this group had people from the President down not given him the publicity he so ardently craves by trying to talk him out of his stunt.
Here’s the news flash.
He is no more lead by God than I am the King of Siam. He’s a flim-flam publicity man seeking to grab his 15 minutes of fame to supplement his online used-furniture sales business. If he thought he could get more publicity by burning the Montgomery Wards catalog, he’d be pilin’ those up for a BBQ. He’s not going to call off his bonfire.
I predict, since he’s been denied a burn permit by the City of Gainesville, that he’ll use THAT as the lead to argue that he’s being denied his rights to free expression of religion by not being able to burn books. There will be great media footage of him with a can of lighter fluid in one hand and a match in the other as the sheriffs handcuff him and haul him away singing, “Just as I am”.
Publicity is publicity. He doesn’t care what form it takes, because it keeps his name on the front page of the paper / television / internet for a little bit longer. He may even be able to parlay the matter into more coverage when he either defends the criminal charges or files a civil rights suit arguing that his have been abridged.
The way to avoid all of this is to follow mom’s advice to me when my little brothers were annoying me.
“Just ignore him, and he’ll go away.”
Grandpa, understanding the dynamics of brotherhood a bit better, had slightly different advice.
“Why don’t you turn around and knock him on his ass?”
That’s probably not appropriate here although it might be infinitely more satisfying, and mom’s gentler approach would achieve the desired result.
Had this wack-job received no publicity, he might not have gone away entirely, but the limited number of people who would have found himwould have quietly noted, “Hmm. Look at that kook,” and gone on about their business.
No Islamic mobs in foreign countries accelerating incidents of violence against Americans. No outraged militants trying to blow things up here.
Well, at least not any more than might otherwise exist.
At times, Americans are our own worst enemy, inflicting far greater injuries to ourselves as a country than any foreign entity could. We do this as a culture, and we do it through our acceptance of 24 hour news coverage of even the most inane issues. In part, that freedom is what makes our country so great, even with it’s flaws. But a little self restraint might not be such a bad thing occasionally.
The only reason I can think of to have media coverage of such an offensive event is to see whether or not they’re serving Kool-aid at this Bar-B-Q, and who’s going to drink it.
I'll bet it's grape Kool-aid! How much you wanna wager?
You are right about the media. Just last night on the WBTV news, I was watching as they explained how the ATM theives stole the credit card numbers with skimmers (easily purchased on the Internet) and a small camera to capture the pin as it's being entered. Why don't we just give the dumb criminals who haven't already thought of this the blueprints to the damn ATM already?
Media is our enemy at times!
Ralph: who will join me in organizing a Bible burning event to protest the ignorance, intolerance, abuse, hatred and so much more espoused, and promulgated, by "christian" churches and ministers?
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