Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Writer's Block

Without a doubt, it's the worst case of writer's block that I've had in years, possibly ever.

I'm rarely without words or an opinion on some topic.  Some days, I can hardly type fast enough to get it all out.

Not lately, though.

Nothing.  Haven't even gotten myself frothed into a fury over the latest stupidity of someone or some group.

For anyone inclined to push my buttons to get me to go off, this is an open invitation.  Suggestions would be welcome.

I just hope that general malaise isn't terminal!


Anonymous said...

Ralph would add that perhaps you should bless the moment that you are all raged out. Not that there isn't enough in the world to raise the blood pressure. I think you have just gotten to that point of I don't know what to do about it.
Guarantee that the malaise will pass and, in time, you will rage again. It is just amount of being tired out over the stupidity and intolerance that exists in this world.
Take a well deserved break and let Eddie know what to do so he can get comments on his blog.

Dewey said...

Get over it fast. We miss your writing.