Thursday, March 24, 2011


The news announced that some guy near Stony Point (which is in nearby Alexander County) saw a bigfoot yesterday. He even took pictures, although as grainy as the movie is, it could easily have been filmed by the same guys who shot the footage of the Loch Ness Monster.

In a day when virtually everyone (except those of us trapped with the Blackberry 8830!) has a high definition video camera on their cell phone there’s hardly any reason to have video that looks like it should be accompanied by a piano score with cards that flash up to remind you of the story line so you’ll know to watch for the heroine tied to the railroad tracks.

I suspect that the guy that shot the pics, though, is the same one who was last seen on television when he was quoted as saying, “Me and Momma heard a sound like a freight train, so we ran out the trailer to my mom’s house next door and climbed in the bathtub with the young'uns.”

The photographer maintains that what he viewed is a Big Foot, arguing that it was almost 7 feet tall and 300 pounds.

I got news for him. In some counties, you can find that at the Wal Mart on any given Friday night.

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