Wednesday, May 25, 2011

AARP Flip Flops

We were at dinner yesterday evening – all men “of a certain age” (somewhere between college and death) and the subject of the AARP came up. Some had already qualified for membership (i.e. over age 50) and others of us are fast approaching the benchmark.

Anyone over about 45 starts getting all kinds of promotional crap from them – used to it was pens and key chains and things like that.  Since the economy crashed, now it's mostly lots of paper goods to encourage you to join the organization and be assimilated.

Without a doubt, though, the stupidest one was the “AARP Flip Flops”.

Yeah, those shoes we wear on the beach. They had the organization’s logo printed on the bottom in such a way that you left little foot-sized advertising billboards along the shoreline as you walked.

The same feet protectors that almost everyone has caught either in the sand or on the steps or somewhere and been caused to fall.

Just at the age where breaking a hip becomes a bit more of a concern, they’re sending you “gifts” designed to promote that very action.

It’s like they WANT you to have to use their health insurance.


Leslie W. Cothren said...

Larry! You make me giggle!

Sheila said...

What a hoot...will think of you every time I wear my flipflops :)

Ed in Hickory said...

Well darn - I did NOT get any flip flops